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American Proverbs - page 56
Lock your door and keep your neighbours honest.
American Proverb
Looks often deceive.
American Proverb
Love enters man through his eyes, woman through her ears.
American Proverb
Love your neighbour, but do not pull down the fence.
American Proverb
Lovely women, lovely quarrels.
American Proverb
Lucky men need no counsel.
American Proverb
Make a loan and lose a friend.
American Proverb
Manhood is quite a struggle, old age a regret.
American Proverb
Many drops of water make an ocean.
American Proverb
Marrying for love is risky, but god smiles on it.
American Proverb
Matches may be made in heaven, but they are sold down here.
American Proverb
Maternity is a matter of fact, paternity is a matter of opinion.
American Proverb
Measure twice before you cut once.
American Proverb
More corn grows in crooked rows.
American Proverb
More die of food than famine.
American Proverb
Most men get as good a wife as they deserve, and that isn't much.
American Proverb
My son's my son till he gets him a wife; my daughter's my daughter all of her life.
American Proverb
Naught's a naught and figger's a figger – all for the white man and none for the nigger.
American Proverb
Never assent merely to please.
American Proverb
Never believe the impossible.
American Proverb
Never complain. never explain.
American Proverb
Never do evil hoping that good will come of it.
American Proverb