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American Proverbs - page 54
In fair weather prepare for foul.
American Proverb
In this world, nothing is permanent except change.
American Proverb
Industry is fortune's right hand and frugality her left.
American Proverb
Involve me, and I'll understand.
American Proverb
It all depends on whose ox is gored.
American Proverb
It costs something to be a Christian, but it costs more to be a sinner.
American Proverb
It does not always rain when a pig squeals.
American Proverb
It is a man's challenge to go as far as he can on the right road.
American Proverb
It is better to be safe than sorry.
American Proverb
It is better to know nothing than to half-know many things.
American Proverb
It is better to sit with a wise man in prison than with a fool in paradise.
American Proverb
It is easy for a man in health to preach patience to the sick.
American Proverb
It is easy to despise what you can't get.
American Proverb
It is good to have some friends both in heaven and in hell.
American Proverb
It is not easy to straighten in the oak the crook that grew in the sapling.
American Proverb
It is one thing to get educated and another thing to keep educated.
American Proverb
It is the beautiful bird which gets caged.
American Proverb
It is well that our faults are not written on our faces.
American Proverb
It only looks that way.
American Proverb
It's a poor frog who doesn't play with his own pond.
American Proverb
It's better to be a big frog in a little pond than a little frog in a big pond.
American Proverb
It's dog's delight to bark and bite, but little children never.
American Proverb