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American Proverbs - page 51
Everything happens for a reason.
American Proverb
Everything is not all peaches and cream.
American Proverb
Example can be better than precept.
American Proverb
Fair words butter no cabbage.
American Proverb
Fairest gems lie deepest.
American Proverb
Faith begins where reason stops.
American Proverb
Fall not out with a friend for a trifle.
American Proverb
False friends are worse than open enemies.
American Proverb
Fame is longer than life.
American Proverb
Fire is a good servant but a bad master.
American Proverb
Fireflies shine only when in motion.
American Proverb
First clean out your own backyard.
American Proverb
First endure, then pity, then embrace.
American Proverb
First there, first served.
American Proverb
Follow not truth too near the heels lest it dash out your teeth.
American Proverb
Fools and children should never look at unfinished work.
American Proverb
Fools need advice most, but wise men only are the better for it.
American Proverb
Force is no argument.
American Proverb
Fortune can take away riches but not courage.
American Proverb
Fortune is like price: if you can wait long enough, the price will fall.
American Proverb
Fraud and cunning are the weapons of the weak.
American Proverb
Fret not for yourself because of evildoers.
American Proverb