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American Proverbs - page 50
Don't throw away your dirty water until you get clean.
American Proverb
Don't throw dirt into the well that gives you water.
American Proverb
Doubt whom you will, but never doubt yourself.
American Proverb
Doubts - helped a man to live, to grow, or to build.
American Proverb
Drink like hell and be happy.
American Proverb
Drunken days have their tomorrow.
American Proverb
Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.
American Proverb
East or west, home is best.
American Proverb
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die.
American Proverb
Education is a gift that none can take away.
American Proverb
Education is the best provision for old age.
American Proverb
Eggs can't teach the hen.
American Proverb
Error can't be defended by error.
American Proverb
Even a child makes himself known by his doings.
American Proverb
Even an ass loves to hear himself bray.
American Proverb
Even an ass will not fall twice in the same quick sand.
American Proverb
Every doctor thinks his pills the best.
American Proverb
Every family has a goodness of mercy.
American Proverb
Every man has a fool up his sleeve.
American Proverb
Every man has one black patch, and some have two.
American Proverb
Everyone knows where his shoe pinches.
American Proverb
Everyone prefers his own.
American Proverb