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American Proverbs - page 20
A man can die just once.
American Proverb
A man in passion rides a mad horse.
American Proverb
A man is known by his friends.
American Proverb
A man knows his companions in a long journey and a small inn.
American Proverb
A man takes a drink and then the drink takes the man.
American Proverb
A man that flatters his neighbour spreads a net for his feet.
American Proverb
Where the carcass is, there the ravens will collect together.
American Proverb
Where the woman wears the breeches, she has a good right to them.
American Proverb
Who is great in faith won't be small in failure.
American Proverb
Who pleasure gives shall joy receive.
American Proverb
A mockingbird has no voice of his own.
American Proverb
A neglected duty may returns tomorrow with seven others at its back.
American Proverb
A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.
American Proverb
A place for everything and everything in its place.
American Proverb
A rather sure way to be cheated is to think one's self more clever than other people.
American Proverb
A reconciled friend is a double enemy.
American Proverb
When the apple gets ripe, it's likely to fall.
American Proverb
When the bait's worth more than the fish, it's time to stop fishing.
American Proverb
When the eagle is dead, the crows pick out his eyes.
American Proverb
When the fruit fails, welcome haws.
American Proverb
When the glow worm lights her lamp, the air is always very damp.
American Proverb
When the water's high, the boat's high.
American Proverb