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American Proverbs - page 18
A fool might be counted wise if he kept his mouth shut.
American Proverb
A fool should never see unfinished work.
American Proverb
A fool's name is seen in many places.
American Proverb
A forced kindness deserves no thanks.
American Proverb
You have to be smarter than the dog to teach him tricks.
American Proverb
You may choose your friends; your family is thrust upon you.
American Proverb
You must not enthrone ignorance just because there is much of it.
American Proverb
You must pay the fiddler if you want to dance.
American Proverb
You need not grease a fat sow.
American Proverb
A friend at hand is better than a relative at a distance.
American Proverb
A friend is easier lost than found.
American Proverb
A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor is a man perfect without trials.
American Proverb
A gentle disposition is like an unruffled stream.
American Proverb
A good doctor treats both the patient and the disease.
American Proverb
A good dog deserves a good bone.
American Proverb
A good example is the best sermon.
American Proverb
A good friend is someone who will bail you out of jail, but your best friend is the one sitting next to you saying "that was fucking awesomeā€¯.
American Proverb
A good remedy for anger is delay.
American Proverb
You can run into debt, but you have to crawl out.
American Proverb
You can shut the door on a thief, but you can do nothing about a liar.
American Proverb
You can't be a howling success by simply howling.
American Proverb
You can't blame a dentist for looking down at the mouth.
American Proverb