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Native American Proverbs
A good man does not take what belongs to someone else.
Native American Proverb
A danger foreseen is half-avoided.
Native American Proverb
Cherish youth, but trust old age.
Native American Proverb
Life is -- not separate from death.
Native American Proverb
Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.
Native American Proverb
Even a small mouse has anger.
Native American Proverb
The river is my brother for it carries my canoe.
Native American Proverb
A brave man dies but once, a coward many times.
Native American Proverb
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself.
Native American Proverb
May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day.
Native American Proverb
When the earth is hot, the worm stays in the ground.
Native American Proverb
Do not change horses in the middle of the river.
Native American Proverb
Don't judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.
Native American Proverb
If it does not kill you, it will bring you happiness.
Native American Proverb
The lazy ox drinks dirty water.
Native American Proverb
The ones that matter the most are the children.
Native American Proverb
There is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnake's tail.
Native American Proverb
A pearl is worthless as long as it is in its shell.
Native American Proverb
Live and learn, die and forget it all.
Native American Proverb
Lovely women, lovely quarrels.
Native American Proverb
Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins.
Native American Proverb
The devil goes away and heaven comes to stay.
Native American Proverb