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Cuban Proverbs
When the sun rises, it rises for everyone.
Cuban Proverb
A love that can last forever takes but a second to come about.
Cuban Proverb
Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good.
Cuban Proverb
One washes the body in vain if one does not wash the soul.
Cuban Proverb
Seven sons of one mother, and each one of a different mind.
Cuban Proverb
The best of hunters lies more than he hunts.
Cuban Proverb
There is never wanting an excuse for drinking.
Cuban Proverb
There's no agreement under pressure.
Cuban Proverb
Brief encounters can result in long relationships.
Cuban Proverb
Do not run into debt with a rich man, or promise anything to a poor one.
Cuban Proverb
Gluttony and vanity grow with age.
Cuban Proverb
God made us and we wonder at it.
Cuban Proverb
He who tells the truth doesn't sin, but he causes many inconveniences.
Cuban Proverb
How can you trust anyone who doesn't know how to blush?
Cuban Proverb
He who speaks much, errs much.
Cuban Proverb
Kitten's are a child's instrument for happiness.
Cuban Proverb
You cannot distinguish between a drunken man and a mad man until they have slept.
Cuban Proverb
Coffee from the top of the cup and chocolate from the bottom.
Cuban Proverb
Jovial companions make this dull life tolerable.
Cuban Proverb
Justice is a good thing, only not in my house, but in my neighbor's.
Cuban Proverb
A woman's honor consists in the good opinion the world has of her.
Cuban Proverb
Even a leaf does not flutter on the tree without the will of God.
Cuban Proverb